>"MJ" tmjo_97 writes:
sumwun sed:
>> A solid is easier to clean out than a liquid that can be simply poured
>> out?
>Well the deepfryer i have does not have an insert to remove so pouring it
>out is a pain..the oil spills all down the side of it and i hate cleaning a
>greasy mess so i much rather just scrape out the shortening than have to
>deal with the mess..
Large (commercial) deep fryers are fitted with drain petcocks (no one is going
to *pour* out the fat), often more than one so that a filtration unit can be
fitted... but filtration units are costly plus they take up a lot of valuable
kitchen space, and then the filtration unit also requires maintainence. So the
vast majority of commercial kitchens use solid shortening in their deep fryers,
which they periodically drain into a large pot and set into the walk-in reefer.
As it solidifys the particulates settle to the bottom, then it's a simple
matter to scoop back all into the now cleaned deep fryer except for the very
bottom portion containing the schmutz.
Solid shortening is also preferred as their is no chance of accidental
spills... at home, by placing your used solid shortening into your freezer
permits keeping it for up to a year, and not having to deal with accidental
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