On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 11:28:54 -0700, Eric Jorgensen
> wrote:
>On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 18:11:46 GMT
>"kilikini" > wrote:
>> An hour? Whoa! Should be like maybe 10 - 15 minutes tops, depending
>> upon how large the size of the fish was. If you wrap the fish in foil
>> you just keep checking the fish for done-ness, then when it's not quite
>> done, you take it off the heat and let it sit to finish. Easy and good.
> Reminds me of cooking for my ex's parents. Grilled some salmon until it
>was just starting to flake apart, served it. they said "Oh this is
>wonderful, but it's undercooked" and put it back on the grill until it was
>like cardboard . . . . It would have never worked out, girl grew up in a
>house with 'eggs' in little plastic jugs for cryin out loud.
Huh?? I know I have led a sheltered life, but what are "'eggs' in
little plastic jugs" praytell?
Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC
Let's Put the XXX back in Xmas