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  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>One year (perhaps a lot of years, I don't know), the post office
>offered Christmas day delivery. I thought, man, that's terrible.
>Then I thought, get a grip, why do you assume all the employees
>are Christians. Probably a lot of employees of different religions
>were happy to get double time for working Christmas.

When I was in radio I had to work every year on Christmas day; usually it was
playing a Christmas version of a syndicated rock show like Flashback or Rock
On. I didn't mind it, as I was able to bring my family over to the studios and
show them around. In the TV radio business, the people on the lowest rung of
the station always have to work on Christmas.

Michael O'Connor - Modern Renaissance Man

"The likelihood of one individual being right increases in a direct proportion
to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong."