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Rich wrote:
> "zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Barbtail wrote:
>>> side note-
>>> And what's with all the automatic *rain* in the produce aisle
>>> now-a-days? I
>>> guess it's good or they wouldn't go the expense *laughs*. I feel
>>> silly shaking the water out of my romaine lettuce in the store but
>>> I am not gonna pay
>>> 2 bucks a pound for water.

>> It sounds like you've already figured out the answer. Spraying with
>> water keeps the weight up, and most produce is sold by the pound.
>> Bob

> I got to thinking one day, while in the produce department, that even
> though one of those little plastic bags off the roll doesn't add much
> weight to my purchase, a roll of the stuff is pretty heavy. In the
> long run, the supermarket gets to sell it all at produce per-pound
> prices. A profit center?
> --Rich

No law says you have to put the produce in the bags.
