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"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> Rich wrote:
>> "zxcvbob" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Barbtail wrote:
>>>> side note-
>>>> And what's with all the automatic *rain* in the produce aisle
>>>> now-a-days? I
>>>> guess it's good or they wouldn't go the expense *laughs*. I feel
>>>> silly shaking the water out of my romaine lettuce in the store but
>>>> I am not gonna pay
>>>> 2 bucks a pound for water.
>>> It sounds like you've already figured out the answer. Spraying with
>>> water keeps the weight up, and most produce is sold by the pound.
>>> Bob

>> I got to thinking one day, while in the produce department, that even
>> though one of those little plastic bags off the roll doesn't add much
>> weight to my purchase, a roll of the stuff is pretty heavy. In the
>> long run, the supermarket gets to sell it all at produce per-pound
>> prices. A profit center?
>> --Rich

> No law says you have to put the produce in the bags.
> Jill

I don't bag items that come with their own inedible wrappers, like garlic,
bananas, mangoes, avocados, rutabagas, etc. Items that have usable rinds
like oranges and lemons, or things that are difficult to carry in quantity
like shallots or bulk nuts, get bagged.
