Steve Calvin wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> >
> > Not quite the same thing, but sorta. I used to go to this place in
> > a Marriott in Newton, MA ... they made the most fabulous Caesar
> > salad (with smushed anchovies, sorry Charliam). I could not! not
> > order it. Then they made a chateabriand that was TO DIE FOR. I'm
> > serious, outstanding. I wouldn't be able to eat a bite of it
> > because I filled up on the garlicky salad. No kitchen facilities
> > in the room, so the chateaubriand went to waste.
> >
> > I AIN'T filling up on the lima beans. Promise.
> >
> > nancy (too bad someone else is leasing the restaurant now, nothing
> > like it used to be)
> That's what I'm making for Christmas if you're in the neighborhood. ;-D
(laugh) Thanks for the invite, I know you'd be fun. And I bet you
make a *mean* chateabriand.