Thread: Orange Pekoe?
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"Ian Rastall" > wrote in message
> Hey Roy. Which teas do you mean that don't have grades? Do you
> mean supermarket tea? The stuff you find is teabags would be a
> "dust" grade, I believe.
> OP isn't actually the lowest. I think BOP is lower than that,
> which is Broken Orange Pekoe. Then there's ENBOP (Extremely Nasty
> Broken Orange Pekoe) which is reserved for the stuff I get at
> Denny's. :-)

PF (Pekoe Fannings) is smaller than BOP.

> I find the grades confusing too. Basically, and here is a good
> rule of thumb, the more letters the better. So look for a good
> alphabet soup and rest assured you're getting quality. :-)

Not true because size doesn't matter. You can get excellent flavor from PF
or BOP. It all depends on what satisfies your palate and only the individual
can be the judge of that.

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