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On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 02:25:36 GMT, "Aloke Prasad"
> wrote:

>"Dog Ma 1" (reply w/o spam)> wrote in message
>>> Scientists say that some teas have almost lethal doses of
>>> Americiumfluoride in them, so better drink coffee

>> All you wiseacres on this NG should be more respectful of a
>> well-intentioned
>> and possibly important post like this. The main domestic use of Americium
>> (isotope 241) is as an ionization source on thin sheets of foil in smoke
>> detectors. Some of these are made in China. If the same factory makes
>> smoke
>> detectors and Pu-erh, it is not inconceivable that the "leaves" could get
>> mixed. Fluoride, of course, enters when workers with good oral-care habits
>> but otherwise lacking in a sense of hygiene spit into the steamers. I
>> think
>> the guy's onto something, and we should be more attentive to such
>> important
>> alerts.

>Thank goodness I drink Darjeeling tea. No industrial production of smoke
>detectors or good oral hygiene there ..

Ask Bruno Beam before
The only thing I have found on the internet is this nonsensical page
from google's cache
I haven't understood a word that is written inside of it. Millions of
pop-us start (of which sites i don't know).
It looks like the usual terror information that keep going around the
net: cancerogenic components in shampoos, in toothpastes, etc.
When I will see a decent link about it I will begin to consider this
problem. In Cina they have been able to hide SARS, then it should be
something more dangerous than americium in tea the we don't know.
It sound to me like a coffee maniac revenge ehehe

.....oh, I don't like coffee too