Thread: Chili powder
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anna maria
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Default Chili powder

Default User wrote:

> anna maria wrote:
> I don't like reading Sheldon's obnoxious screed. I also don't want to
> see all of your counterattacks (with full quotes of what he posted). I
> think you have interesting things to say, so I recommend dropping the
> Sheldon obsession. Block his posts, talk about interesting things
> instead.
> The other alternative is that those of us who have killfiled Sheldon
> will be forced to add you as well.
> Brian Rodenborn

ignoring him is not taking anyone anywhere. as somebody said already,
you can advocate ignoring him but that is not going to happen. if you
look at the threads you see that his posts are often at the end of the
line, meaning that less people answers to him. but you will always find
a bunch that condones him and perpetuates his posts. so unless you
killfile half of the ng you will keep on stepping in his posts anyway.
he is here to stay. and to tell you the truth is a loosing situation in
both ways. i feel bad to react and i also feel bad not saying anything
at his racist hateful posts. regarding killfile, i don't even know if
nescape has one.

ciao, anna maria