Thread: My first cake!
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>From: "Michael"

>(Snipped) bought three 9"
>cake pans. If I had wanted a three-layered cake, would I simply use
>the same recipe and same quantities but just distribute the batter
>over three pans instead of two?

I never found that to work really well. It's hard to judge how much is in each
pan and they seem to get a little dry since not as much is in each pan, etc.

Better to make two rounds and then try this:
place toothpicks in the sides of a layer at the mid-point. Using a good
serrated bread knife or extremely sharp knife slice the layer in half using the
toothpicks as guides. The two layers will give you a nice 4 layer cake and
lots of height. I like to use a pudding or jam filling in the middle layers to
avoid over-sweet icing throughout the cake.

This works very well on rectangular cakes using different fillings like a
mousse for a gourmet touch.

You might as well make 2 cakes (4 cake pans), and freeze one layer for later

By the way, a tiny touch of cinnamon in chocolate cake brings out the chocolate
flavor. Just a tiny bit-you won't even taste it.
