In article >,
Andrew H. Carter > wrote:
> You are what you eat. My ducks would often visit the cow
> patties and sift through the feces for the undigested grains
> thereby turning such into duck and eggs. Like the Emu, it
> has a flavor which is a bit gamy, for those unaccustomed to
> such eggs, you could soften/dilute it by adding a couple
> chicken eggs, which I also raised. Sometimes they wouldn't
> make a nest, though my Toulouse geese did nest and my
> Chinese Pigtail paid them a call and I had 6 hatched, one on
> fortunately drowned in a bucket, but the rest survived till
> slaughter.
Mmmmm... roast goose!
I have muscovie ducks and the drakes are nearly as large as a goose.
Both of the ducklings I raised this year turned out to be drakes. I want
to keep one of them, but will most likely eat the other one.
> I only had one "pet", Cleo, short for Cleopatra, I thought
> the name fitting as while I was supposed to have all Rhode
> Island Reds (with their lovely brown eggs), she was an
> Araucana, she laid light blueish green eggs. She of all my
> chickens had free roam, while my chickens had their coop and
> yard. You NEVER confine a queen do you? :-) Her plumage
> was light brownish.
Pretty. :-)
I have Aracaunas, RIR's and Barred rocks, and I raise cochin bantams as
my "eye candy" and pets! They are pretty cuddly.
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra