Thread: newbie question
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thanks for the tips/info

Melinda wrote:
> I would just like to add the serious comment...please check with your doctor
> before taking something that could potentially interact with your
> medications. I've never heard anything bad about chamomile or mint (drink em
> myself) but it's always best to make sure. Or you could even call your
> pharmacist I think.
> Melinda
> "Tea" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Well, first- congratulations on finding something that works! But just so
>>you know- chamomile and peppermint are not actually 'teas'- they're
>>beverages called teas, or tisanes.
>>I find that the best thing to do is to go to an herbalist, or if your town
>>doesn't have one, a good health food store that sells loose herbs. It's
>>actually cheaper to buy loose chamomile and peppermint than to buy it made
>>up ahead of time, although I am a big fan of Sleepytime tea. Any of the
>>mints would be good- pennyroyal is also relaxing and can help you sleep. I
>>would also suggest that you give up milk and other products made with
>>Dairy products cause a buildup of mucus, which leads to congestion. If
>>have to have calcium, take one of those at bedtime- calcium will actually
>>help you relax and help fend off osteoporosis.
>>"cj" > wrote in message
>>>greetings, i have been recently suffering from severe sinusitis with
>>>accompanying headaches that wake me up almost everynight. the doctor has
>>>giving me all kinds of prescriptions but i dont like taking all those
>>>pills/sprays (although i do ) i have noticed that drinking a cup of
>>>chamomile and peppermint tea (sleepy time brand ) gives me somewhat
>>>speedy relief in breaking up the congestion and thus relieving the
>>>blinding headache pain. my question is can anyone suggest a tea
>>>blend/brand that works well with alleviating my congestion. i just want
>>>to try different types of tea to see if anything works as well or better.
>>>many thanks, cj

