Thread: Chili powder
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Elana Kehoe
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Default Update--Recipe

Blair P. Houghton > wrote:

> Elana Kehoe > wrote:
> >2. Add beef, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon till meat changes
> >color but does not brown.
> > [Avoid browning beef at beginning---let change color over medium
> >heat.]

> Uh, why?
> The only point of searing is browning, as the meat will
> cook through when simmering later. Why slow it down with
> this extra step?

Again, this recipe has been around since I was about 4. I have no idea.
Maybe to bring out some liquid for the flour mixture to blend with (even
if you do add the broth right after).

> >5. Add 1-1/2 cans (ONLY) of the broth and stir till liquid is
> >well-blended. Add salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, stirring
> >occasionally. Reduce heat; simmer, partially covered, over low heat,
> >1-1/2 hours. Stir occasionally. Add remaining broth; cook 30 minutes
> >longer, or until meat is almost falling apart.

> I also don't understand splitting the broth. Is it so
> the later addition can cool the cooking down? So you can
> decide how much to add for texture?

It gets pretty thick. Adding this last bit loosens it nicely.

I don't know the why's...just that I love this stuff. Without a ton of
cumin :-)
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