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  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2004-12-13, Jean > wrote:

> In recipes, add a stick or 1 1/2 stick of butter...
> What is a STICK of butter?

With everyone weighing in with the even more misleading "cube" of butter,
I'm sure you're more confused than ever!

A "stick" of butter is neither a stick nor a cube, even though those are the
two most common terms used in the USofA. Butter typically comes in small
1/4lb blocks which often have an approx dimension of 1-1/2"x1-1/2"x3-1/4"
(~38x38x89mm). The height x width (HxW) dimesion is so the block can be cut
across the long axis (length - HxWxL) in 8 equal pieces, or "pats", of
butter, each being equal to approx 1 tablespoon. As some others have
pointed out, the above dimensions are not universal, some areas and/or
producers having slightly longer or shorter (with corresponding change of
HxW) blocks. But, these 1/4lb "sticks/cubes" are typical for butter sold
for home use and are usually packed in 2-pak or 4-pak boxes. Butter for
commercial use typically comes in single 1lb or larger blocks. Hope this
helps clarify some of the confusion.
