Tony P. wrote:
> In article >, penmart01
> @aol.como says...
>>> "MJumper" tmjo_97 grunts:
>>>>> "Tony Putz. farts:
>>>> I thought the same thing. Apparently some people think that gifts
>>>> should only be luxury items like jewelry. That seems a bit
>>>> shallow to me. Sometimes a practical gift is more appreciated in
>>>> the long run.
>>> Thank you! At least someone understands where i am coming
>> What's to understand... on [the] wife's next birthday buy her a nice
>> practical broom... and let us know how long it took before she
>> shoved it up your dumb redneck ass.
> Indeed! Sometimes a simple card is best.
Wow! Has this drifted far from the original post!
I have a deep frier unit.
At his moment in time it sits on my back porch full of (frozen) rain water
awaiting an opportune time to continue onto its ultimate destiny - the dump.
Unless one has the need or desire to use a deep fryer on a more than weekly
basis they are just a counter headache.
The only advantage (and this could be a biggie) is they are safe! By that I
mean that to deep fry with an uncontrolled pot on a stove burner one must be
aware of it at all times. More kitchens (and - by extention) entire homes
have been burned down by a casual approach to a pot of hot oil than by any
other kitchen related cause.
Just my $.02
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