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Default Granite Countertop Leaving water and oil spots

I recently got granite countertops from a local installer. The kind of
granite is SHIVAKASHI PINK. The installer had sealed the countertops
after installation, but yet water is seeping into it and water
marks/spots stays until the water evoporates. After my complaint,
installer applied the Bellinzoni Super Sealant but water is still going
into the granite although it takes few minutes for it to penatrate.
Installer then said, some stones like SHIVAKASHI PINK are more porous
than others and it is okay even if water pours in. He said, oil will
not leave any stains though. After some heaving cooking and frying, we
did notice some oil stains on it though.

Can somebody help me with following questions :-

1) Is SHIVA KASHI PINK really a very porous stone?
2) Is it okay if water goes into the granite? Is it possible that
someother things can also go with the water?
3) Since, we also have backsplash between the oven and fan, we have
already started noticing grease stains on it, which can't be okay. But
does it mean oily fumes are also penatrating into the granite? Is it
4) Do I have any protection as a customer? The installer keeps saying
that he gives Life long guarantee but there is nothing written?
Thanks for your help.