sf > wrote in
> On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 15:09:18 -0500, "limey"
> > wrote:
>> "Hahabogus" wrote in message >
>> > It is never wise to gift your wife with things that you want to
>> > use. Or to gift your wife with required household equipment.
>> > snow tires I got her one year taught me that).
> Actually, one set of my grandparents used to do exactly
> that. She'd give him earrings and he'd give her a power
> drill, they'd ooo and ahhh over the gifts and then they'd
> switch. I thought it was very practical and they certainly
> ended up with exactly what they wanted.
>> Yup - a certain someone close to me learned that lesson years ago,
>> when I received an electric frypan on Mother's Day.
> A electric frying pan doesn't beat the Doctors office style
> scale I got one xmas early in our marriage. He'll NEVER
> live that one down. 
> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments
Pop taught me a lesson early in life. Never, ever buy anyone a gift
implies work! Mom (green thumb) got Pop some garden tools once. I'll
NEVER forget that!