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Andrew H. Carter
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 14:00:06 -0800, Frank J Warner
> scribbled some thoughts:

>In article >, smithfarms
>pure kona > wrote:
>I have a Mac-based, text-only news reader. Fractions in your recipes
>show up as the mathematical symbols for pi, less-than-or-equal-to, etc,
>instead of fractions. The example below may or may not illustrate what
>I mean. In any event, they're not fractions in my news reader.
>I'm not about to ask anyone to change their posting habits to
>accommodate this problem but perhaps you can post a conversion chart or
>recommend a Macintosh font that has the appropriate fraction symbols.
>Many thanks in advance,
>> 6 apples
>> ½ cup sugar
>> ¼ cup white wine
>> 1 lb. almonds- blanched and grated
>> 1 lb. powdered sugar
>> ¾ lb. butter
>> 2 eggs
>> 4 egg yolks
>> 2 tbs. Flour


It comes from using an ASCII extended value, I too get those
displays when I view such in a Fixed pitch font (Terminal).
Normally I just write a fraction as:

One forth = 1/4
One half = 1/2
Three forths = 3/4

and so on. That way 1/4 will look like 1/4 instead of ¬,
thich if view in Times New Roman the last character will
look like the "Tab" character.

Though it would be nice if font designers would create the
same values for all fonts, then if a different character was
needed one could use a dingbat. For instance I have found
on the WWW/Usenet a font of nothing but ampersands. Make


Sincerely, | NOTE: Best viewed in a fixed pitch font
| (©) (©)
Andrew H. Carter | ------ooo--(_)--ooo------
d(-_-)b | /// \\\