Ae you sure you're not confusing greasy with gelatinous? There is some fat
on them but I've never found "skin" to be fat and have never seen oodles of
fat as you describe even after they have cooked for a long time. I love
them in Pasta E Fajoli.
"ilaboo" > wrote in message
> ItsJoanNotJoAnn wrote:
> > I have only had them one time and perhaps they were the back feet as
> > someone here said the front feet were better, but I was not impressed.
> > They were sooooooooo greasy and had about one teaspoon per foot of
> > lean meat. It was not worth my effort and couldn't see what all the
> > raving was about. Greasy, 99% fat meat is not my idea a great meal.
> you have to be in a red neck bar and have a high blood alcohol level to
> appreciate the taste--same for turky gizzasrds and from what i
> understand brains ( found someone told me in some europeon bars)