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On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 19:22:59 -0500, "Bob (this one)" >

[previous contributions trimmed]

>John wrote:
>> Just like real life at Bob's house. Maybe you've forgotten, but back
>> in May you made a posting where you listed 18 different food items
>> found in your refrigerator. I computed the average caloric density of
>> these foods and the result was 1.65 cal/gm. Two pounds per day of the
>> food in your own refrigerator would provide 1500 calories per day.

>Oh, look. It's "John." Mathematically challenged "John" who claims to
>be an engineer but who also can't seem to actually read.

Ok, Mr. Super Reader, let us see if you offer any actual rebuttal.

>And I need more than that. Like just about anyone who weighs more than
>100 pounds and gets up out of a chair now and again. Just like anyone
>who's even moderately active.

You say you need more than 2 pounds/day. Possibly true but I doubt
it. But whatever floats your boat (or controls your weight).

>Your point was demolished then and it
>still is just as stupid today.

That is not the way I see it. You offered an interesting sample data
point, namely the partial contents of your refrigerator. I calculated
the average caloric density of this sample. You did not challenge the
calculation then and you do not challenge it now with an alternate
calculation. I then observed that with a pantry/refrigerator such as
yours, if one ate a randomly selected 2 pounds per day from that
sample of food, that you'd average 1500 calories per day. I concluded
then (and now) that most people could lose weight on that consumption
rate. me my bad arithmetic. You didn't/couldn't do it then and
you can't do it now because it is obvious to everyone that it is
correct. So stop your flatulatent bloviating.
