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  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Mirek Fídler
Posts: n/a

> That is not the way I see it. You offered an interesting sample data
> point, namely the partial contents of your refrigerator. I calculated
> the average caloric density of this sample. You did not challenge the
> calculation then and you do not challenge it now with an alternate
> calculation. I then observed that with a pantry/refrigerator such as
> yours, if one ate a randomly selected 2 pounds per day from that
> sample of food, that you'd average 1500 calories per day. I concluded
> then (and now) that most people could lose weight on that consumption
> rate.
> me my bad arithmetic. You didn't/couldn't do it then and
> you can't do it now because it is obvious to everyone that it is
> correct. So stop your flatulatent bloviating.

BTW, John, you seem to be successful with this 2PD thing.

Please, do not find anything offending with it, I am just curious. What
exactly did you ate yesterday?
