"Craig Bergren" > wrote in message
> According the AB website:
> "After a layer of beechwood chips is spread on the bottom of the lager
> tanks, the beer is transferred into the tanks. A portion of freshly
> yeasted wort called Kraeusen is added. Beechwood Aging is part of
> secondary fermentation in which the yeast settles on the beechwood chips
> and works until the beer is completely fermented. As secondary
> fermentation occurs, the beer is naturally carbonated and its final flavor
> develops - resulting in a smooth-tasting beer. This expensive process is
> unique to Anheuser-Busch. done."
Just to clarify, krausening is not unique to A-B. The beechwood "aging" is,
but krausening is a not-common but not-unusual technique. And it is still
frequently used by several German breweries.