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Frank & Renee
Posts: n/a


When you get your 4 cup pot, would you post what the true capacity is in
ounces? I know it's supposed to be 24 oz (with the infuser in place would
be fine.) I bought a 4 cup Brown Betty that was sold as a 24 oz pot. It's
really a 1 holds just over 30 oz. I was interested in a true
24oz that I could also use for 12-16 oz pots as well. I've also found that
the BB with or without a tea cosy seems to overheat my morning Earl Grey and
kills the bergamot. So I'm in the market for yet another teapot!



"Falky foo" > wrote in message
. com...
> Those guys at upton are fast. Put the order in on Monday night, got it
> today. Sipping a nice tall cup of TD60 right now. Ahhhhh...
> Hey, I'm thinking of getting just an inexpensive extra tea pot for my

> a 4-cupper (that's 9.46 deciliters for you Euros) cuz all I have now are

> and 2's.. Do Upton's chatworth ones do the trick? There are three types,
> right? The standard, the bone china and the commercial. Anybody have any
> of those? They have a special on the bone china one right now.
> Thanks!