fudge making problem
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Scott wrote:
> In article .com>,
>>Stirring while it's cooking will NOT make it sugary and grainy. I
>>would guess you're not buttering the pot before putting in the
>>ingredients, and you need to add that little bit of corn syrup like
>>another poster said.
>>Also, do NOT move, jiggle, or disturb the candy while it is decreasing
>>down to 110 degrees - that will nearly always make it sugary and
> Stirring after it passes boiling *will* increase the risk of
> crystallization; the higher the temperature (and the more saturated the
> solution becomes) the greater the risk. Why would the fudge not be at
> risk if you stir as it passes (e.g.) 225 on the way up, but be at risk
> when it passes 225 on the way down?
Because the crystals will redissolve if you are still increasing the
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