Thread: newbie question
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i tried another peppermint remedy last night... i put a couple of
tablespoons of dr. bronners peppermint soap (liquid )in a large bowl
with very hot water, draped a towel around my head and inhaled VERY
deeply for about 5 minutes . after a few minutes i could feel my
sinuses clearing and the headache going really works well.
if you try this and have severe congestion i suggest you have some
tissue close by because the mucus will flow. dr. b's is available at
health food stores and online. i know this has nothing to do with tea
but i'd thought i post this anyway. also, dr. b's peppermint soap
absolutely kicks butt on a hot steamy day in the shower. cj

Michael Plant wrote:
> et12/16/04
>>greetings, i have been recently suffering from severe sinusitis with
>>accompanying headaches that wake me up almost everynight. the doctor has
>>giving me all kinds of prescriptions but i dont like taking all those
>>pills/sprays (although i do ) i have noticed that drinking a cup of
>>chamomile and peppermint tea (sleepy time brand ) gives me somewhat
>>speedy relief in breaking up the congestion and thus relieving the
>>blinding headache pain. my question is can anyone suggest a tea
>>blend/brand that works well with alleviating my congestion. i just want
>>to try different types of tea to see if anything works as well or better.
>>many thanks, cj

> I have no suggestions, but thanks for yours. I'm off to try it. I'll go to
> the herb shop and pick up the components -- camomile and mint -- and mix it
> up myself. If it works, I'll be forever indebted to you.
> Michael