Thread: Soy is Safe.
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usual suspect
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Chuck wrote:
> "usual suspect" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Chuck wrote:
>>>IF Soy wasn't safe why do the Orientals retain it for such a large part
>>>of their diet and for so many years?

>>Stop top-posting. Asians don't eat soy in the same forms or in the same
>>quantities as people in the West are eating now. The Asian diet tends to
>>have some form of fermented soy, such as soy sauce or tamari or miso, as a
>>flavoring. Unfermented products like plain tofu (Asians also eat it
>>fermented) are eaten sparingly. By contrast, Westerners are consuming it
>>unfermented and in very large quantities.

> I have 6 adopted children, all oriental,

I'm curious (and more than a bit doubtful). Why do you call them
"oriental" as opposed to Chinese, Japanese, or the more accepted "Asian"?

> they all were raised on soy milk,
> tofu(fried) miso and various sauces, both there and here. They also eat
> rice daily and except for seafoods, very little of the meats group.

Yeah, right. Is that because *you* don't allow your adopted "oriental"
children to eat meat or because they consciously choose to avoid it even
though it's widely available "both there and here" and accepted in their
culture "both there and here"?

> Orientals

*Asians*, you hillbilly.

> eat several different kinds of soy and to say that one in
> particular is used would be an error.

Note what I actually wrote: TEND to use fermented soy and consume
unfermented soy products SPARINGLY.

And note the following, hillbilly:
Typically soy foods are divided into two categories:
non-fermented and fermented soy products. Traditional
nonfermented soy foods include fresh green soybeans, whole dry
soybeans, soy nuts, soy sprouts, whole-fat soy flour, soymilk
and soymilk products, tofu, okara and yuba. Traditional
fermented soy foods include tempeh, miso, soy sauces, natto and
fermented tofu and soymilk products. In Asia, the
traditional fermented soy foods are considered to have more
health promoting benefits when consumed in moderate amounts than
the super-processed soy products that are consumed in the West.

> We also ship large quantities of
> "our" soy to the orient. Are they just feeding it to cows?

That and they're brewing soy sauce and making other soy derivatives for

> I don't think so.

WTF do you know? Do your six children know you call them "orientals"?

> When a limited diet is considered I think they are very resourceful

Their diet isn't limited, and they're not eating much soy.