Asian ******s?
"Chuck" > wrote in message
> "usual suspect" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Chuck wrote:
> >> "usual suspect" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >>
> >>>Chuck wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>IF Soy wasn't safe why do the Orientals retain it for such a large
> >>>>of their diet and for so many years?
> >>>
> >>>Stop top-posting. Asians don't eat soy in the same forms or in the same
> >>>quantities as people in the West are eating now. The Asian diet tends
> >>>have some form of fermented soy, such as soy sauce or tamari or miso,
> >>>a flavoring. Unfermented products like plain tofu (Asians also eat it
> >>>fermented) are eaten sparingly. By contrast, Westerners are consuming
> >>>unfermented and in very large quantities.
> >>>
> >>
> >> I have 6 adopted children, all oriental,
> >
> > I'm curious (and more than a bit doubtful). Why do you call them
> > "oriental" as opposed to Chinese, Japanese, or the more accepted
> >
> First they are from different countries including Vietnam, China and Japan
> so how could I call them all from one country? Second, I call them what
> they call themselves. Although one calls himself a "Gook." and the others
> "Slopes" or "slit eyes" but you or I should not. But they are free to
> themselves whatever they want. Just like they eat what they want.
> they are all adults now and are living their own lives. You are right in
> one respect, they should be called "Asians" or now, Americans, as they
> citizens.
> Chuck
> >> they all were raised on soy milk, tofu(fried) miso and various sauces,
> >> both there and here. They also eat rice daily and except for seafoods,
> >> very little of the meats group.
> >
> > Yeah, right. Is that because *you* don't allow your adopted "oriental"
> > children to eat meat or because they consciously choose to avoid it even
> > though it's widely available "both there and here" and accepted in their
> > culture "both there and here"?
> >
> As I said they eat what they prerfer.
> >> Orientals
> >
> > *Asians*, you hillbilly
> OK, Asians, you asshole
> .
> >
> >> eat several different kinds of soy and to say that one in particular is
> >> used would be an error.
> >
> > Note what I actually wrote: TEND to use fermented soy and consume
> > unfermented soy products SPARINGLY. I never said SPARINGLY
> >
> > http://www.mercola.com/2000/jan/9/truth_about_soy.htm
> > http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/soy_update2001.html
> >
> > And note the following, hillbilly:
> > Typically soy foods are divided into two categories:
> > non-fermented and fermented soy products. Traditional
> > nonfermented soy foods include fresh green soybeans, whole dry
> > soybeans, soy nuts, soy sprouts, whole-fat soy flour, soymilk
> > and soymilk products, tofu, okara and yuba. Traditional
> > fermented soy foods include tempeh, miso, soy sauces, natto and
> > fermented tofu and soymilk products. In Asia, the
> > traditional fermented soy foods are considered to have more
> > health promoting benefits when consumed in moderate amounts than
> > the super-processed soy products that are consumed in the West.
> > http://www.wellbeingjournal.com/soy.htm
> >
> >> We also ship large quantities of "our" soy to the orient. Are they
> >> feeding it to cows?
> >
> > That and they're brewing soy sauce and making other soy derivatives for
> > export.
> >
> >> I don't think so.
> >
> > WTF do you know? Do your six children know you call them "orientals"?
> >
> >> When a limited diet is considered I think they are very resourceful
> >
> > Their diet isn't limited, and they're not eating much soy.
> > http://www.medjournal.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-970
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/760787.stm
> > http://english.people.com.cn/200410/...13_160102.html