Thread: Goose
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Colin Brook
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In message > on Sat, 18 Dec 2004,
Virginia Tadrzynski > wrote
>Okay, I wanna cook a goose for Christmas. Same way as a turkey? I'm
>goose virgin (behave Sheldon).

Here are a couple of recipe suggestions and a comment:
I'm using this stuffing recipe this Christmas and have made it with
tinned chestnuts - possibly a mistake since the consistency is a little
too smooth - I may even add some chestnut pieces when it is defrosted.

This is the recipe page of the British Goose Producers.

This latter is a 'road test' of the River Cottage goose recipe which
uses the neck for a 'sausage', the legs for confit and the main body for
a Christmas lunch roast. It's better than the original because it is a
lot faster to access and there are some critical comments.

Regards, Colin

Colin Brook - Winchester (UK)

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