"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> Goomba38 wrote:
> >
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> > > No, I haven't. I guess I was rude perhaps, but my point was, if I
> > > want a Whopper or a Big Bacon Cheeseburger, I want that choice. I
> > > sure as hell do not need corporations telling me what I can and
> > > cannot order. Once or twice a year, that's all that will do, a
> > > big old friggin burger and fries.
> >
> > I hear ya, but after seeing the movie it brings
> > out to your attention how jaded we have become.
> > This food isn't a "treat" anymore.. it's the
> > mainstay diet of a large majority of people.
> That is their decision.
> > Didn't some poster here on RFC just write that she
> > took her 14 month old to eat fast food 3-4 times a
> > WEEK!?! That's just plain disgusting as well as
> > being a really lousy parent (IMO).
> Agreed. That is just ridiculous.
> > So this movie
> > should really be seen.. reminds us how far we've
> > come from that occasional treat. Blecck.
> I'm sincerely not arguing whether people should see it or not.
> Common sense tells you, you don't eat fast food every day, not
> even close.
If common sense tells people that, they sure aren't listening.
And again, that's the point of the movie, I think. Alot of people seem to
have lost their senses when it comes to what they ingest.
> My point was, don't take my choices away because some people
> abuse them. But, they have the right to make those choices,
> even if I think it's stupid. What bugs me is feeding it to
> kids. They don't have a choice. Parents need to get a grip
> on that issue.
> nancy
I just love the parents that give the excuse "But whoppers are the only
thing little Billy will eat!" or "Susie won't eat anything but french
fries!" What a crock! As if they have no responsibility for introducing the
child to that food and then indulging their every whim for it afterwards. It
truly sickens me when I hear such excuses. And as if that wasn't bad
enough....Last Wednesday I was out to lunch with my sister in law and
Souplantation and when I went to get some iced tea there was a gal there
filling a *baby bottle* with Coke! That should constitute child abuse if you
ask me.