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  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 17 Dec 2004 09:00:24 -0800, someone wrote:

>I recently got granite countertops from a local installer. The kind of
>granite is SHIVAKASHI PINK. The installer had sealed the countertops
>after installation, but yet water is seeping into it and water
>marks/spots stays until the water evoporates.

There is NOTHING WRONG with your granite. It is stone. It gets wet,
it looks wet, until it dries, and then its not wet any more. If you
wanted an artificial material you shoulda got one. Like "Formica".
Instead you got a natural material with natural characteristics, that
you can put hot stuff on without melting, warping or delaminating, but
now you think it is defective because it doesn't act like Formica.

(BTW, names of granite are often just local or distributor names and
the same stone can be called different things in different shops.)

This is on par with saying that a concrete highway is defective
because the pavement is a different color when its wet than when it is

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