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On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:17:00 GMT, Gary Woods
> wrote:

>Kenneth > wrote:
>>Think of stretching that rubber over the dough, around the
>>sides, eventually to the bottom, and pinching it together
>>down there.

>I _think_ I've got it, along with a couple of images I found showing the
>dough being stretched, but not what was done with it then.. probably sort
>of stretching and tucking under.
>Hold on; I'm sure I've got a Klein bottle somewhere amongst the rarely used
>utensils, in the back of the cabinet with the sign "beware of the panther."
>Thanks.... a report and perhaps pictures will follow late tomorrow.
>Gary Woods AKA K2AHC- PGP key on request, or at
>Zone 5/6 in upstate New York, 1420' elevation. NY WO G

Hi Gary,

No, no, no... You should not be using a Klein bottle at all
for this sort of baking.

But, if you have trouble sticking the dough together at the
bottom, you might want to use a Möbius strip as a tie.

All the best,


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