On 18-Dec-2004, "MyDixieWrecked" > wrote:
> The wife was going to the butcher today to pick up stuff for perogi
> making.
> She asked if I needed anything, and I replied that we needed to get approx
> 10 pounds of beef tenderloin for Christmas dinner. Knowing that the
> tenderloins from this shop were cryovac'ed, I figured I'd be ok. The
> butcher
> found two similar sizes, and asks her how we are preparing them. She tells
> him we are roasting them. Well, when she arrives home, I'm presented with
> two beautiful tenderloins that have been trimmed, tied, and wrapped in
> butcher paper....no longer cryovac'ed. What should I do with these now?
> Can they be vacuum packed with the foodsaver and be kept fresh, not
> frozen?
> Am I better off freezing them?
> Thanks
You're just 7 days from Christmas. Decisions, decisions. I'd just rewrap
them in Reynolds freezer wrap (Plastic coated) and keep them in the frig.
If you freeze them, it's going to take two days to thaw them out.
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