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Rick & Cyndi
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> wrote in message
>I recently got granite countertops from a local installer. The kind of
> granite is SHIVAKASHI PINK. The installer had sealed the countertops
> after installation, but yet water is seeping into it and water
> marks/spots stays until the water evoporates. After my complaint,
> installer applied the Bellinzoni Super Sealant but water is still going
> into the granite although it takes few minutes for it to penatrate.
> Installer then said, some stones like SHIVAKASHI PINK are more porous
> than others and it is okay even if water pours in. He said, oil will
> not leave any stains though. After some heaving cooking and frying, we
> did notice some oil stains on it though.
> Can somebody help me with following questions :-
> 1) Is SHIVA KASHI PINK really a very porous stone?
> 2) Is it okay if water goes into the granite? Is it possible that
> someother things can also go with the water?
> 3) Since, we also have backsplash between the oven and fan, we have
> already started noticing grease stains on it, which can't be okay. But
> does it mean oily fumes are also penatrating into the granite? Is it
> normal?
> 4) Do I have any protection as a customer? The installer keeps saying
> that he gives Life long guarantee but there is nothing written?
> Thanks for your help.
> AJ



Try these folks. They seem to be quite

Another company to try is:

One other company I can think of is:

I have dealt with all three of these companies either directly and
indirectly and have only had great results. *Disclaimer* I reap nothing
for sharing their information with you.
