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>(Barbtail) scratches on her cave wall:
>So then there isn't a specific term for rendered beef fat? (Lard is always
>fat but tallow isn't always beef fat) Interesting *laughs*

Why do you find learning a joke... did you go to high school... bet you didn't
finish *laughs*.

Tallow can be made from any animal fat... even pig fat... usually produced from
a mixture of fats. Tallow is fat that has been rendered AND ALSO has undergone
a chemical transformation (refining). There are many ways tallow is made,
depending on how it's to be used... some tallow is edible (by humans) but most
tallow is inedible (a lot is used in animal feed - tallow doesn't go rancid).
Fat that has been simply rendered is well, rendered fat... why is that such a
difficult concept to grasp? Lard is actually rendered pork fat that has ALSO
been purified. Pork fat which has simply been rendered is not lard. There are
many grades of lard, depending on how pure.... pork fat can be turned into
tallow too, but is more valuable as a food product.... purified and refined are
not synonyous. Companys like Colgate and P&G buy up futures on animal fat from
all over the world (for manufacturing soaps, cosmetics, etc.), mostly they
purchase fat from goats, camels, yaks, and many other animals, because their
fats produce a much finer grade of tallow.... next time you use lipstick
remember it's probably part refined yak fat.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."