sf wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 10:38:11 -0600, zxcvbob
> > wrote:
> > "Though at one time long distance calling cards might have been the
> > 'number ONE request' of soldiers lying wounded at the Walter Reed
> > Medical Center in Washington, DC, since the advent of the e-mail
> > pleading for them, the Medical Family Assistance Center at that
> > treatment center has received thousands of them, which amounts to far,
> > far more than the patients recuperating there can use at the moment."
> There are lots of other vetran's hospitals around. Is the
> case the same for them too?
Definitely - in April had operation at VA med ctr. I was expecting to only
stay overnight. Stayed 5 days. The phone card they gave me let me call my
old mum and let her know. Was much appreciated. If one uses the pay phone &
credit card you can expect to pay up to $8.00 for a 3 minute call with
surcharges and all. We have an army hospital here in our hometown - we'll
plan to drop off a few there with the Red Cross people.