DigitalVinyl wrote:
> Been making them for weeks now, they have been well received even by
> people not on diets. I use the splenda baking blend (basically
> half-sugar half splenda) and I substitue half the graham crackers with
> ground almonds. The almonds raise the fat/calories but cut carbs and
> add fiber. I moderate the fat/calories as well by using three
> different cream cheeses: one fat-free(ups carbs), one 1/3 less fat,
> one regular. My neighbor is on South Beach so she appreciates the
> lower fat/calorie content. The way I made them it is 40% less carbs,
> 200% more fiber, and 20% less fat/calories. If you use liqud splenda
> you'd bring the carbs and calories down further.
> DiGiTAL_ViNYL (no email)
How obvious is the substitution in the crust? I have been
thinking about doing that but don't quite dare, because my
daughter might not eat it.
Jean B.