>"Peter Aitken"
>"Gal Called J.J." ...
>>(PENMART01) said:
>> > (Gal Called J.J.) said:
>> > >"Squet" said:
>> > >> I'm convinced that lard is pork fat, but my girlfriend says it's beef
>> > >>
>> > >> Anyone?
>> > >Lard is indeed rendered fat from pork -- beef fat, OTOH, is
>> > >called "tallow".
>> > Nope, rendered beef fat is well, rendered beef fat (beef schmaltz).
>Tallow is
>> > *refined* fat, can be any fat.
>> Hmmm, I sit corrected. Guess ya learn something new every day....
>Tallow is *not* just rendered or refined beef fat.
Nope, it's rendered AND refined... can't you read?
It is properly used to
>refer to the fatty tissue of animals, or the harder fat of sheep, cattle and
>other animals separated by melting.
Those would be suet... stop being a fat head.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."