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Larry Peterson
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"elaine" > wrote in message
> I've just spent the better part of a day shopping with a friend for these
> oven gloves which she assures me are 'the best' -- great for barbecuing

> using in the kitchen. Now I'd never seen or heard of them although have
> seen the oven mitt.
> Strange part is every store we went in -- and there were many -- were all
> sold out.
> Anyone have experience with them. Are they worth hunting down?
> God I hate it when there's something out there that I a. have never seen

> b. have never even heard of............. especially when it has to do

> cooking!
> Elaine

Elaine -

I have used the mitts and pot holders for a while now, both in the kitchen
and outside grilling and barbequing. The pot holders are great. The mitt is
good as long as it is dry. If it gets a little oil on it, forget about
holding onto something. Especially something like the turkey fryer! Maybe
the gloves work better at that.

Worth having.

Larry Peterson
Dallas, TX