>me@nosuchwebsite top posts:
>cinnamon honey, I would probably be tempted to try.. but tossing in basil
>too? That sounds.. ugh!
Most likely means the hives were set in a field of basil... bees gathered basil
pollen, like when you see alphalfa honey, that honey doesn't contain bits of
alphalfa... can't imagine the bee keeper blended the honey with fresh basil.
And often particular pollens will imbue honey with a cinnamon spicyness...
there are various basils, one variety I've planted tasted of cinnamon,
especially it's flowers. I seriously doubt the bee keeper tainted pure honey
with cinnamon.
>(Pardon me being so inarticulate) hehe
But there's no pardon for your being a top posting pinheaded ****.
>"Michael Odom" wrote:
>> A friend sent us a Cristmas package from Maine this year. One of the
>> items included was a jar cinnamon basil honey. Cinnamon basil honey?
>> WTF?
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