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In article >,
(Hazels65) wrote:

> >>(Snipped) I've not named my two new muscovie drakes! Puck is a great name
> >>for

> a
> >> duck! <lol>

> If you have a Frodo, how about Pippin?
> Henrietta

Nah... 5 emus are more than enough. <G>
The others are Diana and Pauli. Pauli was the second one I raised from
an egg given to me by a close freind named "Paul" so I named her after
him. My first born emu is Diana.

The other three I got as chicks from other breeders. Cheap...

It is kinda fun hatching them!

Here is Pauli, my hug-emu:

and here is Diana at about 2 days of age:

That is her eggshell sitting next to her.
emu eggs have a dark avocado green coating on the shell.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra