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> How Not to Get Hooked by an Internet Scam
> Internet scammers casting about for people's financial information
> have a new way to lure unsuspecting victims: They go "phishing."
> Phishing is a high-tech scam that uses spam or pop-up messages to
> deceive you into disclosing your credit card numbers,

Anyone with half a brain knows not to give out information like this. I've
personally gotten several "notices" allegedy from eBay wanting to confirm my
credit card and bank information. eBay does not ASK you for this
information, and certainly not via email. There are methods for reporting
this scam on the eBay website.

Last week I got an email, allegedly from PayPal, stating I'd added an
"authorized" email address to access my PayPal account. Sorry, I'm no fool.
I signed onto PayPal NOT from the link in the email and reported the idiot
with the complete text of the message and the message source information.

For other email scams, check the message source and report them to the ISP
listed under 'abuse' or 'complaints to'. Chances are this won't go very far
but at least you get the satisfaction of having done something.

If anyone actually *believes* someone in Nigeria will send them $2 million
out of the $10 million their dear departed father left but they cannot
access without first putting it in their bank, they deserve to be scammed.

Jill (sitting in a tub packed in ice with one of her kidneys missing)