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  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

G'day mate,

Did I just see a bunch of identical posts from you in r.f.c?
Why are you flogging this stuff? What's the benefit to the
people (you) who've set up this site? Or, more to the point, what's
the downside for users who sign up for your service?

I see you're into web design and associated things
<>, so perhaps it's nothing more sinister than
a PR exercise on your part and goodwill towards your fellow man?

I guess your "terms" actually give some explanation. An extract from:

As consideration for using the Service, you agree and understand that
Flynote will display ads and other information adjacent to and related
to the content of your active web page. Flynote serves relevant ads
using a completely automated process that enables Flynote to
effectively target dynamically changing content, such as notes, and
lists. No human will read the content of your notes or lists in order
to target such advertisements or other information without your
consent, and no note or list content or other personally identifiable
information will be provided to advertisers as part of the Service.

Oh well...

In article .com>,
>for an a simple web based solution, try
>it's a free organizer which is perfect for organizing things like
>recipes. you can categorize yor recipes, by type, search them, print
>them, and most importantly, access them online from whever you're
>cooking. great for those who use the internet to find new recipes, and
>need a way of cataloging them. and it's free. try it today.

Cheers, Phred.
