Thread: Help with ham
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Jerry Criswell
Posts: n/a

(PENMART01) wrote in

>> "texpat" writes"
>>I'm toying with fixing a ham for Christmas, instead of turkey. I'm
>>turkeyed out.
>>I'm seeing some hams in the store, labeled "Smithfield", but under
>>some other brand name. Is Smithfield a brand, or a type of ham?
>>1. In your opinion, would the hams labeled "Smithfield" be a good

> Smithfield ham is more an appetizer (like munching salty pretzels),
> not meant to constitute a main course. To substitute for roast turkey
> the only ham that's comparable is a *fresh* ham. No cured/preserved
> ham compares to the oppulent decadant succulence of a roasted fresh
> ham, and a lot more healthful as it contains no preservatives.... get
> a huge one... bet yoose can't stop eating.
> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
> Sheldon
> ````````````

I've got a fresh ham (pork leg, bone in, 15 lbs.) to do for Christmas.
I'm looking for some kind of "seasoning rub" (can you tell I'm new at
this). Probably doesn't need to be real spicy. Any ideas?