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Dan Goodman
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On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 19:51:35 -0600, Mike Beede wrote:

> In article >, Dan Goodman > wrote:
>>> I've never heard of black tea.

>> In most Twin Cities eateries, that's what I have to ask for to get plain,
>> ordinary orange pekoe tea. I had a lot of trouble till I found that out.
>> Servers (both waitstaff and counter help) could not understand my
>> explanations.

> I ask for "hot tea" to distinguish it from iced tea. But I've never had
> that problem in the Twin Cities--just down South. Perhaps there's
> some strong regional variation even within the metro area.

The problem is that 1) An increasing number and variety of eateries have
umpteen varieties of designer tea -- caffeinated, decaffeinated, herbal,
tea and herbal mixtures, etc. 2) The servers I've run into are unable to
grasp the concept of what I want unless I ask for "black tea." 3) Every
place I'd previously lived, "regular tea" got me what I wanted.

Someone who only wanted plain coffee could presumably be able to get it at
the places with signs that say "Coffee and espresso". (Or "expresso".)

Note: I live _in_ one of the Twin Cities. (Southwest Minneapolis, EHFNA
neighborhood -- votes slightly left of San Francisco.) Things could be
very different in the suburbs, or in some kinds of suburbs.

Note: For a while the Wedge (my organically correct had "East Coast
coffee" at their drink counter. I don't recall what was in it; I do recall
that I'd never been anywhere on the East Coast where such coffee was

Dan Goodman
Predictions and Politics
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.