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"Bill Benzel" > wrote in message
> dreas ) wrote:
> :
> : After much experimenting, I have found German and Dutch beers to
> : smell the worst after the digestion process, and the effect is easily
> : augmented with some yummy spicy Mexican food. Somehow or
> : other, Mexican beer and German food seem to do the same thing...
> :
> : If they ever invent a fartless beer that tastes as good as the European
> : stuff I'm accustomed to enjoying, I wish someone will tell me about
> : it, and where I can get some close to where I live...
> If you are really serious about this I suugest you go to a drug store and
> get some "Beano" -- chew up three or four of 'em before you get into a
> session. The stuff actually works pretty well.

I was being a little more satirical than serious. Guess it worked...

> I, for one, enjoy farting way too much to use Beano regularly but if, say,
> I'm going to spend the late afternoon drinking beer and eating bok-choy
> and then planning to go to a theatre that night I'm not averse to a little
> prevention.

Farting is certainly enjoyable. I drive a taxi and often get the, "Why does
your cab smell funny?" and "It smells like shit in here!" reactions. I try
vent it by driving around with the windows open, and I keep a bottle of
new car smell spray in case it gets really extreme...
