On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 03:00:41 GMT, "Ed Grabau and Pam Jacoby" <pjjehg
@frontiernet.net> scribbled some thoughts:
>"Andrew H. Carter" wrote ...
>(major snipping)
>> If you haven't used those spices before, then you could be
>> allergic to them. If you have, but not all together in one
>> dish or at one time, then there could be a chemical reaction
>> to their interaction. Or it could be coincidence and you
>> just have a cold, it is that time of the year.
>Heh, I had a situation like that during my partying and stupid youth! Had
>what seemed like a hangover for days, so I finally called the doc. After
>laughing at me, he said, "Did it ever occur to you that you just might have
>the flu?"
Don't know if you put any merit in the Zodiac with respect to the
physiological makeup of an individual, but if the moon can influence the
tides, why can't it influence people. That aside, a Taurean, such as
myself (latter cusp) rakes quite some time to get over a
cold/bronchitis/pneumonia, usually twice the amount of time, or more.
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