Thread: Help with ham
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Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

texpat wrote:

> I'm toying with fixing a ham for Christmas, instead of turkey. I'm turkeyed
> out.
> I'm seeing some hams in the store, labeled "Smithfield", but under some
> other brand name. Is Smithfield a brand, or a type of ham?
> Questions:
> 1. In your opinion, would the hams labeled "Smithfield" be a good choice?
> 2. Is the preparation any different than any other ham, i.e., stick it in
> the oven at 325 for 30-40 min./lb?

Smithfield hams, the real ones, are good - international class hams.
They can be favorably compared with Schwartzwalder hams, prosciutto or
jambons de pays. They're cured and salty. True Smithfield hams are
made in the city of Smithfield, Virginia and nowhere else. They have
stringent criteria for the production of the hams.

They can't be prepared like water-cured hams. Too salty. They'll have
preparation methods on the packages.

I'd suggest a Turner ham which is also dry-cured (but to include a
goodly amount of sugar for both flavor intensification and keeping the
meat softer), but nowhere near as salty, and which cooks to a luscious
moistness. They're made near where I live and I used them in my
restaurants. I've given them as gifts over the years and generally buy
a few each year for myself. I usually get the boneless one. 100%
yield, no messing around trying to slice it around the bone, portions
easily. <>

Standard disclaimer: not connected in any way, just satisfied customer.
