On 21-Dec-2004, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> At yet another Christmas lunch at the office today, a friend brought a
> whole
> honey-baked ham. One of the things I took was a gelatin salad made with
> spiced cider, apples, celery, and pecans. The lunch was planned for 30
> and
> 12 finally wandered in! O guess there are a lot of Christmas lunches and
> lunchtime shopping going on out there.
> My friend insisted that I bring home about 3 pounds of the ham, and I also
> returned with enough salad for at least 4 servings.
> Tonight I cooked some onion in butter until transparent, added cooked
> green
> beans and boiled cubes of potatoes.
> We had some of the ham, the salad, the fresh cooked veggies, and some nice
> cloverleaf rolls I thawed from the freezer.
> Someone gifted David with a chocolate mouse cake at work, which really
> capped
> off the meal.
> We're full and happy!
> --
> Wayne in Phoenix
There's freebies and then there's great freebies. You lucked up
my friend. Having those sides which I'd assume were planned
overs from the frig didn't hurt. Being a fetishist for white sauce,
I probably would have served the greenbeans and potatoes
in one dish slathered with white or mornay (cheese added) sauce.
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