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>Katra writes:
>> (Lee Hobeck) wrote:
>> I live alone so I never cook my meals. A few months again I thought I
>> would try to cook some simple things. Recipe called for a stalk of
>> celery. This seems like a lot of celery to go into a soup for 4
>> people. When the recipe calls for a stalk, do they mean the whole
>> stalk or just a piece? I looked at some other recipes calling for
>> celery and saw the same thing.
>> Lee

>1 Stalk is 1 section/piece/leaf.
>Celery is purchase by the head, consisting of several stalks.
>Personally, I don't think a single stalk is enough for soup for 4
>people. :-) I'd use at least 3 or 4 of them, but then I love celery in

Before the sixteenth century, celery was used exclusively as a medicinal herb.
Now it's become one of the most popular vegetables of the Western world. Celery
grows in bunches that consist of leaved ribs surrounding the tender, choice
heart. There are two main varieties of celery grown today. The most common is
the pale green Pascal celery. Golden celery is grown under a layer of soil or
paper to prevent chlorophyll from developing and turning it green. Celery is
available year-round. Choose firm bunches that are tightly formed; the leaves
should be green and crisp. Store celery in a plastic bag in the refrigerator up
to two weeks. Leave the ribs attached to the stalk until ready to use. Celery
should be well washed and trimmed of leaves and at the base. Reserve the leaves
for soups and salads. Celery is usually eaten raw, but is delicious cooked in
soups, stews and casseroles.

© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD LOVER'S
COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.

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