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Steve Calvin
Posts: n/a

Katra wrote:
> In article >,
> Steve Calvin > wrote:
>>Katra wrote:
>>>As for the freezer, 32 is freezing.
>>>0 sounds good to me...

>>For short term storage it is. For longer term storage which is what I
>>run my big freezer for, I keep the temp at -15 or -20. Things keep
>>better for longer periods at those temperatures.

> Do you have any problems with freezer burn?
> Stuff I store for more than 6 months tends to have that problem which is
> why I've gotten to be pretty good about writing dates on stuff I put
> into the big chest freezer. :-)
> I'm not sure how cold that thing really stays. It's very old. I need to
> borrow a temp. guage from work and check it out I guess. It's a hyooge
> GE chest freezer.

Not since buying the Tilia vacuum sealer. I did prior to that but
haven't lost one thing since.


Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dogs face they get mad at
you but when you take them for a ride in the car they stick their head
out of the window?